Miss Ryan
Miss Senior
My name is Miss Ryan and along with Miss Senior we will be the adults learning with you in Year 2R. We have many exciting learning opportunities planned in Year 2 and we are so looking forward to being inquisitive learners with you. We will be learning from different questions, maybe you will have your own questions for us to investigate? Our first question in the Autumn term is ‘How far can you go?’ We will be learning about the human body and considering what an amazing thing it is. We will be exploring how to push and challenge ourselves and build up the resilience to becoming expert problem solvers! In addition to looking at ourselves we will explore people from the past and discover when, where and how Florence Nightingale challenged herself and learn about the impact of this many years later.
My personal love is teaching mathematics and seeing the children become creative mathematicians. In year 2 we learn lots of new maths skills but we also ask lots of questions about what we have found out and think about what else this mean in the big world of numbers!
I also love reading and I look forward to sharing some great stories with you next year! We will discover new stories together but this year we have enjoyed reading many Roald Dahl books along with World’s Worst Children which created many giggles and we loved the journey we went on with Christmasaurus by Tom Fletcher.